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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Everest Base Camp - Acclimatisation

After yesterdays day of lounging in the sun under the shadow of Everest we were given three options:

(1) hike back up the frozen river bed to 6200m
(2) hike down to the Rombok monestary about 7km away or
(3) a 15 minute walk up to the glacial lake just over the rocky moraine behind our tents where entertainment was promised by Josh, Keith, Tim, Noel and Stephen.

The choice wasn’t too difficult.

Before setting out I decided to try my hand at being domestic for the first time in weeks. I was becoming increasingly aware that despite my large collection of mountaineering fashion I seemed to stick to wearing the exact same leggings, trousers and merino-wool ensemble both during the day and as pjamas at night. Granted, it was fashionable, set off my tan perfectly, was extraordinarily comfortable… but was starting to develop a rather disconcerting smell.

I borrowed the industrial size pasta bowl from the kitchen and armed myself with some soap and hot water in the mess tent. I was soon joined by Simon and Mickey who, very clearly, had a lot to learn about handwash and the art of ‘redistributing filth’ when no modern-conveniences are available. Apart from the joys of high-altitude mountaineering I suspect that these boys l also return to civilisation with a new found respect for washing machines - or their significant others who are currently doing their hand wash for them..! With the lessons completed we were all left with clean(er) looking clothing that smelled like something between a cross of lemon-soap and Mickey’s socks.

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